Dating Text Message Strategies

1. Do not be bored and boring. Predictability and boredom are the most dangerous form of text-fencing crime. Text messages should be informative and engaging. You shouldn't send text messages that seem boring or so simple as "Hey! ")" or "How's your day going?" A total Snorefest. The messages will be from the people she meets, therefore make sure that you make yourself stand out. Try something different to give her an incentive. For example, "You totally cheated at Football last night." I'm insisting on an rematch.

2. Make your messages more personal. Text messages may seem impersonal. This will help to establish a stronger bond between you. Include her name in your message. Girls love it to include their names in your message. It makes it feel more intimate. You can also decide to name her after the name of a particular nickname. It makes it feel like you're having an intimate conversation. Use the words "us" as well as "we" when you send messages -this creates a "me and you against the world" vibe that girls love.

3. Do not forget to give her a nice compliment. For instance, "Wow. I love your hair today. You're stunning." It's not difficult - girls like being praised, they feel valued and appreciated. Try adding a few compliments in your emails. You can try a traditional (yet effective) compliment such as "I can't stop thinking about you in that blue and black dress" or choose something a little more unconventional like "you have the most bizarre sense of humor, but I love it." Don't just say something to make her happy. The scent of fakes is easily detected by women. Have a look at this best couple text messages for examples.

4. Be be mysterious. It's not a bad idea to be somewhat mysterious with your messages to text - you want her to think she's chasing you, not the opposite. So try being a little vague or distant at times, just not as often as she becomes worried about your conduct. Do not send lengthy messages detailing every boring detail about your life to her, as an example when she wants to know about your day. Try to say "It was pretty strange actually." People never cease to amaze me." Hopefully she'll be curious and want more details in the next email. You can also tell her what your weekend plans are if she asks. It will not be interesting for her to hear that you are going to be spending the weekend writing papers. Inform her that you're planning to fight a dragon, or some other bizarre thing - it isn't necessary to be accurate insofar as it's entertaining.

5.Tease her gently. Teasing is a great method of flirting. It allows you to feel more intimate with each other without becoming too serious. As mentioned before calling your girl a cute nickname (one that is only used by you) is a great way to mock her without becoming offensive. Some examples are "freckles", "little miss perfect" and other similar phrases. You can ask her what she did or said the last time they hang out. For instance, you could say that she's having a Coke. However, don't pour it through your mouth the same way you did last time. This is called call-back comedy. When you draw attention to an occasion where you had a good time this can make her feel more positive about the relationship you have. Be kind However, you should not be rude. If you don't, your relationship may end abruptly.

6 Be suggestive. Of course, no text-based flirting relationship would be incomplete without a touch of suggestion to keep things interesting. You can inquire about what she's wearing, or say something along the lines of, "I loved you in this dress, however I'm thinking that I'd love what's underneath it even more." Another great technique is to make an effort to misinterpret something she says as sexual. For example when she states something like "I am shocked by how long it is!" If she says something like "I cannot believe how long it took me to get there!" you could simply say, "That's what I said!" You can mention that you just got out of the shower when your nerves are getting out of the way of going down the sexting path. This could put the ball into her hand. If she responds in an sexually flirtatious, like "dang, that'd be nice to see that") it'll let you know she's open. Have a look at this I love you, dear for examples.

Text Flirting Etiquette
1. Keep your messages short and short. Long text messages are tedious and can make you appear overly eager. Therefore, you should always try to keep your messages short and sweet -no longer than two or three words. You must ensure that every message is clever, funny and sweet. Do not play with weather.

2. Send the same number of messages. You should always send the same number of texts to everyone in your texting relationships. If you are sending too many texts, it can look like you're too eager and accessible. This can make you appear too confident, which could result in her becoming concerned or even lose interest. In the opposite situation, you might seem disinterested or even make her believe that you are messaging multiple girls in one go. If that's the case, you could be viewed as being a loser. You need to make sure that you are sending roughly equal amounts of text messages. If you can you can tilt the balance in her favor. Be aware of who started and ended each text exchange. You want to alternate when you can.

3. Careful with your spelling and grammar. You'll want to create the impression of being witty and smart when you text that can be difficult to do if you're "txtin Lyk Dis". Teenagers can be comfortable with this, however anyone over 18 must pay attention to spellings and grammar.
To make your personality appear smart, you don't necessarily need to search the dictionary for big word phrases. Instead, go through each text prior to sending it. This ensures that there are no obvious typos and misspellings. The way you write your text can have a major influence on how your message is interpreted. If your girl sends you a picture of her dressed in a brand new outfit, for example, "wow!" This is more enthusiastic and fun as opposed to "wow!" while "I love it ..."" is more appealing, flirty, and flirty as opposed to "I love it". Don't use excessive emoticons, such as smiley faces or questions marks, as well as smiley faces. They are effective when used in the right context however they can make you appear snobby. Take a look at this emotional text sms for lover for more.

4. Don't let the conversation drag out. A dying conversation can be ended quickly is one of most crucial texting skills. If you quit the texting conversation for too long, it's easy to miss out on interesting things and cause the conversation to become boring. Keep the conversation going until you get to that point. You could make her want to know more. Try to end the conversation with something flirty and cute such as "gotta go, girl, I'll talk to you tomorrow. Don't get into any problems with me. or "Time to go to bed, I need to get my beautiful sleep." We're looking forward to seeing you in your fantasy world!

5. Text flirting is only used to flirt in real life. Text flirting should only be used between actual, live-in flirting sessions. Texting is great for certain aspects, but nothing beats the spontaneity that comes with dating in the real world. If you want to plan your next night out with friends or plan for a date, make use of text messages. Texting gives you with a purpose and is something you look forward to. Remember that long eye contact, bright smiles, and a gentle brush of the arm surpass any words on screens.

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